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Curriculum Provision at Burton Bradstock CE Primary School   

At Burton Bradstock Primary, we have worked with our partner schools in Initio Learning Trust (West), using Cornerstones to support our planning.  Our curriculum is planned using a two-year rolling programme which aims to ensure that we make the most of our staff’s expertise and passion for different subject areas. This helps us to provide a challenging and exciting curriculum that prepares children for the future. 

Alongside our Church School status, we are a Silver Rights Respecting School which shows our commitment to the Convention on the Rights of the child. Children in every class acknowledge and use the language of rights and articles. Our daily acts of collective worship often include these rights as well as our school values of Hope, Respect, Love, Friendship, Courage and Happiness. All members of our school community treat each other with dignity and respect because we all have the right to be treated this way and because we believe it is an appropriate way to conduct ourselves.  

Termly information on what is being taught is available via your child's class page.


Reading is central to our whole curriculum. We strive to foster a love of reading in our pupils, and children of all ages are helped to read widely, both at home and at school. Children read in school every day and for all sorts of purposes. They will discuss a range of texts and their meaning, pick out interesting and new vocabulary or simply enjoy it!  This may be done individually, in groups or as part of wider class work.  Children reflect on their own reading knowledge and skills. Children are also read to by adults, familiarising them with exciting and stimulating stories, poems and texts.  

Our Literacy curriculum comprises a systematic approach to the teaching of phonics through Read Write Inc. Phonics progressing to the Read Write Inc. spelling programme in key stage two. In writing, we follow a cross-curricular approach using Talk for Writing techniques (by Pie Corbett) to give structure and progression in writing.  Our talk for writing units are planned in a rolling programme with a range of genre, both fiction and non-fiction, are covered each academic year. 


Mathematics is delivered through the White Rose Maths Curriculum.  

At Burton Bradstock, we aim to foster children’s mathematical understanding and help all children to develop a confident, skilled and resilient approach to all aspects of mathematics. By offering flexible groupings, providing engaging activities and an environment that embraces mistakes as opportunities for further learning, we enable children to succeed as mathematicians. 

Through the teaching of key mathematics skills, we enable our children to: 

  • Be fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics 

  • Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry 

  • Solve problems by applying their mathematical understanding and knowledge 


Our science curriculum equips children with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future. We want children to develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries, so that they can answer scientific questions about the world around them. Science therefore, wherever possible, is taught through a hands-on approach and our children are encouraged to experiment and discover for themselves. The sequencing of projects ensures that children have the substantive knowledge and vocabulary to comprehend subsequent projects fully. Each project’s place in the year has also been carefully considered. For example, projects that involve growing plants or observing animals are positioned at a suitable time of year to give children the best possible opportunity to make first-hand observations. Within all the science projects, disciplinary knowledge is embedded within substantive content. Through building up a body of core knowledge and concepts, pupils are encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. We want all pupils to understand how science can be used to explain, to predict, to describe, and analyse causality.  


Our wider curriculum is rich, diverse and challenging. When studying for History and Geography, we encourage children to develop a respect and understanding of the lives of others, through an enquiry-led approach. From learning about ancient civilisations, to thinking about the diversity of our own region, right through to studying the future through a knowledge of climate change and global citizenship, our pupils enjoy learning about people and the planet.   


In computing and technology, we have a clear and simple vision: the children should be: online-safe, online-inspired and online-confident. Computing is an integral part of our everyday life and will play an immeasurable part in our children’s futures. Whilst teachers promote creativity and enthusiasm, children at Burton Bradstock Primary will learn the skills to thrive in a world that is becoming increasingly dependent on computing. As computing underpins today’s modern lifestyle, it is essential that the children gain the confidence and ability to prepare them for the challenge of a rapidly developing and changing technological world. 

Religious Education (RE)

As a Church school, we believe that meaningful and thought-provoking religious education makes a distinctive contribution to the school curriculum.  We follow guidance from Salisbury Diocese and Dorset SACRE and teach about Christianity and other world religions using Understanding Christianity and Discovery RE schemes of work. Please see the Church of England's Statement on the Entitlement to RE here. Further information about RE and Collective Worship in academies and free schools is available from here.

Art and Design

Our children develop their skills and expression through a creative curriculum in Art, Design and Music. Children work with paints, clays, charcoals, pastels and many other media in our art lessons. Children are encouraged to find practical solutions to real-world problems in our design lessons. 


Our languages curriculum, through which all children in key stage two learn French, encourages children to become confident speakers of French. Through role-play and recitation, our children learn quickly, and have fun doing so.  

Physical Education

We enjoy an energetic physical education curriculum, in which children develop skills and physical fitness across a range of different sports and physical disciplines. Children receive teaching not only in conventional team sports and athletics, but benefit from units of Gymnastics, Dance and Swimming. Our children’s aptitudes are developed further through our extracurricular provision of a wide variety of sports clubs.  

Relationships, Sex and Health Education

Our RSHE curriculum is an ongoing thread that can be seen woven into many aspects of school life. Learning tackles bereavement, the language of safeguarding and relationships education, as well as issues of friendship, relationship and self-esteem building. Teachers are skilled in determining whether children need to be taught individually, in small groups or as a class when tackling the more complex issues associated with RSE. Visits and visitors to the school enhance this work over the course of a child’s journey through school.

Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education incorporating Relationships and Sex Education

It is now a statutory requirement for primary schools to deliver Relationships Education and the Department of Education (DfE) encourages schools to deliver Sex Education that ensures both boys and girls are prepared for the changes adolescence brings and – drawing on knowledge of the human life cycle set out in the National Curriculum for science – how a baby is conceived and born.

Curriculum Maestro

Since 2018 we have provided a creative curriculum based around the Cornerstones Curriculum: a nationally recognised approach for delivering outstanding learning opportunities for children. 

Phonics information

We use Read, Write Inc. to teach phonics. As the children progress through the school, they move onto the Read, Write Inc. Spelling programme.