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School Vision

Vision statement

Learning and Growing Together 

Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God

Micah 6:8

We have been inspired by this verse from the bible and how it shapes all we do. We all believe that fairness, kindness and being humble are the key to flourishing for all. The links between this and our school values of Happiness, Friendship, Hope, Love, Courage, and Respect are clear. 

Do justice

As a Rights Respecting School, we take seriously our duty to love our neighbour, care for our environment and to stand up for what we believe in: This means being an outward looking community that is fair, kind and respectful.  We look to build partnerships with all members of our school community where we can learn and use our success to support others. 

Love kindness

Through a culture of kindness and mutual respect, we provide a safe, secure and inclusive environment for all our children. Everyone is welcome and deserves the opportunity to flourish into the best person they can be. Children are given a wide range of opportunities and experiences in order to prepare them for the future. 

Walk humbly with God

We support and challenge each member of our school community to grow into life in all its fullness, just as God intends: This means growing in faith, knowledge, skills, and wisdom as we worship, learn and grow together.